How to write a lost wallet ad. Some practical advice on how to write a lost dog ad.

  1. Writing rules
  2. A photo

What to do if a dog is lost, a cat or, God forbid, a person is lost? Of course, in the latter case, you should immediately contact the police, but it will not be superfluous to write the announcement of the loss.

You will need

Local newspapers;
- computer;
- Printer.

Sponsored by placing P & G articles on "How to write an advertisement about the loss" How to find a person in the city by name, first name and patronymic How to find a person by name in Omsk How to give a free ad in the newspaper


There are two main options for posting a lost advertisement - in newspapers and in prominent places in the city. Both options should be used, this increases the likelihood of a successful outcome. For an ad in a newspaper, you should create a high-quality black and white (gray) image of a missing person or animal on your computer in advance and add a small text to it. If the newspaper allows you to print color photographs, the image is best done in color. For placement in the city should place an ad on an A4 sheet. At least two thirds of the sheet should be taken by a photo; below, indicate the main features of the missing person or pet. You can specify the amount of remuneration for the finder or the one who really helps in the search. This is especially effective in the case of the loss of pets, as children from the surrounding houses will comb through all the basements and attics for a good reward. If the missing pet is not taken away by anyone outside the area, the chances of finding it are quite large. Not only animals and people can be lost, but also documents, telephones and other things. In this case, the promise of remuneration significantly increases the chances of returning the loss. If you suspect that the documents you have dragged in public transport, be sure to place announcements about the loss at stops along this route. As a rule, pickpockets work on the same routes, therefore, having seen your ad, the thief can return you to the loss for a fee. Search using lost or stolen phone ads is useless. But if not so much a phone is dear to you, as a SIM card with numbers stored on it, post the ad with a request to return it, and indicate that the finder can keep the phone. This option is quite effective, since the new owner of the phone will still not use your SIM card. If you don’t lose your phones for the first time, use this option: put a note under the cover of your mobile phone asking you to return it. Promise a person who has found the phone a thousand rubles (or some other amount, at your discretion) in case of his return. How simple

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I lost my diploma. Long. I have read here the procedure for obtaining a duplicate. But the question remained: if I didn’t have a copy of my diploma, a series, its number I, of course, do not remember, how do I specify them in an ad in the media and in statements to the police and the university? Second, if there is no appeal to the police and announcements in the media, the university will surely refuse? I think that if a person needs a second document for some purpose, he will turn to the police and the media in order to enlist their support.


Hello Daria,

As you understood from my previous consultations on similar issues ( B4% D0% B8% D0% BF% D0% BB% D0% BE% D0% BC & x = 0 & y = 0), first of all you need to submit an advertisement about the loss of a diploma in a local newspaper. The statement should be approximately of this content: the diploma of such an educational institution, such a number, issued by the full name, should be considered invalid due to the loss. If you do not remember the diploma number, then there are several options for action:

1. You can apply to the school. Try not to contact the dean's office, but with the admission board or university administration. You can also with the archive or the personnel department. Usually these 4 departments are engaged in diplomas.

2. If you provided a diploma for employment, it is possible that a copy of it is stored in your personal file. Contact OK.

�If there is no going to the police and announcements in the media, will the university be refused?” No, not necessarily. According to the rules, duplicate diplomas are issued only if the original is lost (lost, stolen, suffered in a fire, etc.). Therefore, most likely, you will need to confirm the fact of loss. Depending on the rules for the restoration of documents adopted at your university, you may need a police certificate or a declaration of recognition of the original diploma as invalid, or both.

As you can see, it all depends on the university and on the reasons you provide in the application. (it is quite possible that the university management will be satisfied with the option that your diploma burned down during a fire and they may not require any supporting documents). Therefore, I would advise you to begin the process of restoring a diploma from applying to the university where it was issued, for advice.

The duplicate will be issued within a month, if you need an diploma urgently, you can ask for a certificate during the manufacturing process to confirm that the diploma is in order to be granted a job.


Hello Daria!

As a personnel manager, I know that you, for example, provided a copy of the diploma to your employers, here’s an option for you to get this information that you don’t have. Or another option, contact the university, where you gave it out, there, these data are also recorded in your file, picked up from the archive. And further, if you have read the procedure here on the site, you will already act according to the instructions and issue yourself a duplicate.

Order No. 112 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2014 (as amended on 05.16.2014) “On the approval of the procedure for completing, registering and issuing documents on higher education and on qualifications and their duplicates” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 7, 2014 N 31540) - this document and gives an answer about the issuance of duplicates and the procedure for issuing duplicates.

The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 112 dated February 13, 2014 in paragraph 29 states that duplicates are issued upon request: In case of loss or damage of the diploma and / or loss or damage of the duplicate.

29. A duplicate is issued on the basis of a personal statement from a diploma holder:

in case of loss or damage of the diploma and (or) annex to it, or loss or damage of the duplicate;

in case of detection in the diploma and (or) to it or in duplicate errors after receiving the specified document;

in case of change of surname and (or) name, and (or) patronymic of the holder of the diploma.

The only thing in this Order is not specified how long after the submission of the application for the issuance of the application for the issuance of a duplicate you are required to issue it, but general rule 30 days. Although, here on the site was considered the situation when the consulted had to wait for the issuance of a duplicate for more than 30 days and the whole reason is that the deadline for issuing in the specified Procedure (Order) was not established.

And another such moment, if suddenly the employer did not take a copy of your diploma from you, the data should have been entered into a T-2 card (although many employers are negligent in maintaining this unified form).

Everyone knows that a dog is a friend of man. You can even say more, often dogs become full members of the family. And their loss affects the state of the owners. Therefore, every pet lover should know how to properly advertise the loss of a pet, because this can happen to anyone. In this case, we will talk about how to write an announcement about the missing dog.

Writing rules

So, if the pet is gone, you need to start looking for it. And this can be done with the help of well-written ads. A few rules on how to write a lost dog ad. First: the text should be as small as possible, all the most important are listed without extra “water” and stories. On the sheet you need to indicate the breed of the dog, its color, gender, age. It is necessary to tell what pet there are special signs. It is also important to say where the dog was lost and if there were certain accessories around her neck - a collar, maybe a chain. Making the text, you need to select some of its sections. It is important to write the title “Lost the Dog” in capital letters. You can also attract the attention of people with a special phrase or an interesting slogan. At the end of the announcement it is customary to leave your coordinates - the best is a mobile phone. And, of course, you need to interest someone who can find a dog by offering a small reward for returning a friend and family member.

A photo

If a person wants to figure out how to write an announcement about the disappearance of a dog, it is also important for him to know that the pet's picture will make it much easier. It is best to place it after the title and before the text itself, it should take as much space as possible. Well, if the photo is color. Also, it should be as fresh as possible. If there is no picture of your dog at hand, you can simply give a photograph of a dog of the same breed, so that an unknowing person has an idea who the owner is approximately looking for.

What to do if a dog is lost, a cat or, God forbid, a person is lost


Having understood, about the disappearance of the dog, it is also worth mentioning where is the best place to put this text. So, the most reliable and easier way is to print a lot of leaflets and paste them up predominantly in that part of the city that is familiar to the dog, where she often walked with the owner. However, you need to be extremely careful here, because you can even get a penalty for putting ads in the wrong places. So for this purpose it is better to use specially placed boards. It is also good to advertise the disappearance of a dog to a local newspaper. This is likely to be inexpensive, but much less people will see such a message. In this case, the text should also be as brief as possible. And in this version of the photo is unlikely to local edition will agree to print. Next option: posting on the Internet. These may be specialized sites where many dog ​​lovers live. However, you can also advertise on social networks, namely in groups that are devoted to the city or area of ​​residence, asking for maximum repost. This is a great modern method dissemination of information. Ask to read the text of the announcement of the disappearance of the dog can also be on the local radio, this is another way to find your four-footed friend.


If a person hangs up an announcement about the loss of his pet, most often he indicates that you can get a reward for finding a friend. In principle, this item is not mandatory, but it is perfectly motivating people. What can be offered to the one who found the animal? Of course, money. The amount of the sum will depend on the consistency of the owner, as well as on what breed the dog is. If this is a mongrel, the question is one, but if an expensive pedigree dog is a completely different matter. After all, the finder can simply resell the dog and get a lot of money for it. Also, in gratitude, if a person refuses to take financial compensation for his work, you can thank the chocolate, a box of chocolates or a bottle of brandy.

Second, if there is no appeal to the police and announcements in the media, the university will surely refuse?
?If there is no going to the police and announcements in the media, will the university be refused?
What can be offered to the one who found the animal?